The communication campaign and the marketing initiatives for the commercial launch of IWBank Private Investments got underway on 20th September.

The campaign “I’M, Io sono così e la mia Banca lo sa”, (I’m, That’s what I’m like and my bank knows it)
presents IWBank Private Investments’ way of working, its model of services and what it can offer its current Clients as well as future potentials.

This is an important moment in the history of IWBank Private Investments, a moment which to propel the B into the future with a distinctive positioning enabling its Clients to put their trust in a true “Investment House”, which can offer dedicated and evolved services for individual and family asset management thanks to their network of Financial Consultants and a technologically advanced platform.

The communication campaign underlines the care and attention the Banks gives its Clients, the central and unique role they play, such that every single one can affirm “…I’M, Io sono così e la mia Banca lo sa…” and they can put all their trust in IWBank Private Investments, “…la Banca che dà valore a quello che sei veramente…”, (the Bank which values what you really are…) a Bank with a strong identity, which is forward-looking, sound and reliable, a Bank relying on the seriousness, commitment and professionalism and passion of a great team of women and men “…Esperti di Valore…”. (Experts in values….)

This reveals the creative concept of the campaign introducing IWBank Private Investments as the Bank which gives value to the real essence of people, their experiences, their personalities and their needs with tailor-made investment solutions as well as a dedicated Expert who truly knows them. So a Bank made of “valuable” experts and who are authoritative specialists of the “value” owned by the Clients thanks to the range of excellent products available as well as consultancy services on Investments, Financial planning, Trading and Online Banking.

Andrea Pennacchia, CEO of IWBank Private Investments, affirms: “We have developed a highly visible marketing campaign which is wholly consistent with our target Clients, this is an important investment for IWBank Private Investments and for the UBI Banca Group which will enable us to strengthen our positioning. Making it even more pertinent and distinctive”.
“The public -continues Andrea Pennacchia- will be able to learn about, and appreciate our service model which allows the Clients to choose the most suitable solution to satisfy their investment needs at any time.”

The media planning is highly innovative and multi-channel. It was developed in such a way so as to maximise coverage of different targets paying special attention to personalising the communication. The Armando Testa agency and the media group Dentsu Aegis worked in full partnership to guarantee these results.
Director Sven Jacobsen was entrusted with the TV film and the subjects for the web. He was also responsible for the shots for the ten press subjects.
Original sound track “Z-Boys” by the Danish rock group “The Raveonettes”.

Visit www.iwbank.it for all the details of the initiative.
For further information
IWBank S.p.A
Email: ufficio.stampa@iwbank.it
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IWBankPR

IWBank Private Investments
IWBank Private Investments is the bank in the UBI Banca Group which specialises in asset management for individuals and families. It was founded by the integration between IWBank and UBI Banca Private Investment, respectively the online Bank and Financial Promoters of the UBI Banca Group. The goal of this union is to become a new benchmark for investment consultancy with an approach which guides clients in the management of their savings at any time with the greatest professionalism and simplicity.