CAVIRO – TAVERNELLO Subject. “Vines in the city” 15”


The Tavernello campaign has been back on all the main national and satellite channels since 5th July 2015 and for the first time it will be launched on the web from 6th July. The ad shows images of branches entering the houses of Italians to offer them the best wines from selected vines.

“The objective of this campaign is to promote the bottled Tavernello line, winking an eye to a younger audience, without forgetting the historical traditional table wines”, comments Elena Giovannini, Marketing Manager of Daily Caviro.

The new 15” cuts focus on presenting the bottled wines and the pleasure of enjoying them everyday and in informal situations. For anyone who wants to sample a good Italian wine Tavernello presents Chardonnay, perfumed and fruity, Syrah-Cabernet, full-bodied and spicy, and the two sparkling Tavernellos White and Rosé, both fresh and fruity.

Tavernello is an excellent choice: both for bottled wines and traditional table wines.

With creative direction from Piero Reinerio, art director Monica Pirocca and copywriter Michela Sartorio worked on the project. Directed by Dario Piana, for production company Little Bull. Planning by Media Italia.Dal 5 luglio 2015, la campagna Tavernello è tornata on air su tutte le principali emittenti nazionali e satellitari, e andrà per la prima volta anche sul web dal 6 luglio. Lo spot mostra le immagini di tralci che entrano nelle case degli italiani per offrire i migliori vini da vitigni selezionati.