THE LAVAZZA MUSEUM OPENS ITS DOORS WITH ARMANDO TESTA “Chiudi il gas e vieni qui”. (“Switch off the gas and come here”)


That’s how Armando Testa invites you to visit the Lavazza museum, which opens to the public on 8th June.

This is a new space suspended between memories and the future which has been created in Turin, in the new Nuvola Headquarters. Here you can learn all about global coffee culture, more than 120 years of Lavazza as a family and a company and more than 50 years of advertising.

And it is by evoking this beautiful story and a key moment like Carosello, that Armando Testa created the ad.

Carmencita, peeping out from the Nuvola along with other items from the Museum, is the star while the headline recalls the legendary quip from her brooding and loving Caballero.

The campaign can be seen on a giant poster in piazza Vittorio, right in the heart of Turin, and also in the press in the main Italian dailies.

Creative directors Andrea Lantelme and Federico Bonenti worked on this project, the former as art director and the latter for the copy; executive creative direction from Michele Mariani.