The 30” launch ad for the new food supplement Sustenium i Colori della Salute Mix 5, created by the expertise of Menarini pharmaceuticals, has been running on the main TV networks since 6 March. As far as communication on traditional and digital media is concerned, the creativity was entrusted to Armando Testa.

The objective of the launch: remember that for a healthy diet bodies such as the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health have recommended eating 5 portions of fruit and veg of five different colours every day. And if you cannot manage to always eat that, then you can supplement your diet with Sustenium i Colori della Salute Mix 5.

A young mother who is well aware of the dietary recommendations from professional bodies and of how difficult it is to convince her husband and two children to follow them, has come up with a fun game.

We see them in their elegant kitchen, shelf overflowing with fruit and veg of five colours, and there’s a big tray in the middle divided into five sections. The mum gives the command “Ready… Go!” and each of them puts the fruit and veg into the correct section, having fun as they remember the colours. The kids end the game by shouting out together: “Five!”.

In the demo we see the fresh fruit and veg of the five colours flying against a bright background and forming five shiny stripes. And for anyone who can’t manage to always eat them, and needs to supplement their diet, the fruit and veg fly off ready to form the arrow-visual of the new dietary supplement Sustenium i Colori della Salute Mix 5.

A scene of quiet everyday family life in the sitting room reminds us that Sustenium i Colori della Salute Mix 5 is also available in the Junior version.

The film ends with the key visual of a glass containing in one half five layers of fruit and veg of five colours while in the other the supplement dissolved in water. The claim recalls the five portions of fruit and veg recommended every day and also reminds us that: Se non riesci a mangiarle sempre, per integrarle, bevile. If you can’t manage to eat them, then supplement them by drinking them.

With creative direction from Piero Reinerio, art director Tina Salvato and copywriter Chiara Demichelis worked on this project. Directed by Emanuele Cova for production company Little Bull.