Pan di Stelle and Armando Testa launch “Meno luce, più sogni” (“Less light, more dreams”) Digital and social campaign to promote the energy of dreams and environmental savings


Do we really need so much light when you can see the most beautiful things even in the dark?

The new Pan di Stelle project “Less light, more Dreams” kicked off yesterday. It was created thanks to the collaboration between the Pan di Stelle Marketing and Digital team and the strategic and creative team of the Armando Testa Group.

The Pan di Stelle love brand is now appreciated by 10 million families in Italy, and has always had a mission: to nurture the ability to dream every day, encouraging everyone, especially children, to believe in and follow their dreams.

“Less light, more Dreams was created to blend together the story of dreams with a concrete, extremely topical theme, like paying attention to the environment and saving energy, to spread the culture of making important ethical choices in terms of sustainability” explains Chiara Pisano, Marketing Director Pan di Stelle.

At a time when we hear more and more talk about saving energy, the project stems from a natural instinct: “Dimming or switching off the lights, even just for 10 minutes every evening – comments the Armando Testa team – is effective not only for saving energy that’s good for us and for the planet, but more than that, it is a small gesture that lights up the most powerful energy we have: being able to dream and our imagination. We discover that as we dim the lights we amplify our senses, making it easier to feel closer together, that listening to a fairy tale becomes even more magical, increasing our ability to imagine, to remember and to concentrate. And of course, we can rediscover the marvels of the starry sky”.

Eleven children – eleven like the stars in the Pan di Stelle biscuit – will launch the project “Meno luce, più Sogni” “Less light, more Dreams” with a 30″ film directed by Matteo Sironi and produced by BRW with planning on digital and social networks.

We’re so accustomed to keeping everything switched on, the lights in the house but also the light devices that are always with us, that not only are we missing out on the sky, but we are losing our ability to imagine and the power of dreams that we get when we dim the lights. And the words of the children, as they pass the Pan di Stelle star to each other like in an ideal relay race remind us of this.

A series of digital and social posts and a dedicated landing page run parallel to the film. They were  created in collaboration between Armando Testa’s Digital Unit and I Mille – and they explore the themes and benefits, particularly emotional and inter-personal, of using household lighting less and in a more and conscious way.

An editorial plan destined to evolve over the next few months includes multiple contents, such as the launch of the Pan di Stelle Pyjama Party, also in “Less Light More Dreams” mode.

The graphic symbol of the project is the large star-moon featured in the latest Pan di Stelle campaign “Dream, it’s delicious” and which here is transformed into a symbolic dimmer switch, with the light becoming less intense as it turns.

Armando Testa Group Credits

Creative Direction: Michela Sartorio, Monica Pirocca

Creative Team: Giorgia Giuliano, Quentin Chatelin

Digital Creative Direction: Gabriella De Stefano, Paolo Fenoglio

Head of Strategy: Guglielmo Pezzino

Client Director: Benedetta Buzzoni

Account: Francesca Lo Sciuto

UI Designer: Laura Guida

Production Company: Brw Filmland

Producer: Simona Ferraro

Director: Matteo Sironi

Post production: Tex

Photo shots: Massimo Bellotto

Music – City of Stars, arranged by Opera Music


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