An endorsement operation supporting the renewed range of “Wuoi?” sausages will be on line from 19th September.

A totally vegetable sausage, a bio one, baked one, a light one and lots of other tasty variations to satisfy a wide range of needs.Building awareness was not enough to launch them, it was necessary to provide explanations. That’s way the Armando Testa creative team supported by Media Italia, the media centre of the Group, came up with a well-developed digital content campaign.

An elaborate native advertising campaign will reach the focus target, and direct it to female and cooking sites, whose editorials will develop contents with three different types of treatment (“recipes”, “life hack”, “curiosity”). All the news will serve as a ploy to illustrate the different features of the new sausages.

The mechanics also include strengthening communication to the target of those who read flyers from mass-market outlets online.

The creativity was developed by copywriter Stefano Arrigoni and art director Tommaso Casarini with executive creative direction from Michele Mariani and planning by Media Italia.