4 films, 4 situations inspired by every day life, 4 “dramas”, one solution: Mopar. “No drama with Mopar” illustrates the just how unique the brand dedicated to after sales assistance, spare parts and customer support for FCA vehicles is.

This is the first time Mopar has used four video clips to describe in an ironic way what happens when you don’t rely on Mopar original after sales assistance and spare parts. This choice aligns perfectly with their communication strategy. 

The episodes are inspired by the events of daily life. The approach is closer to people and what you need when you’re driving, to make you fully realise that Mopar provides concrete and valid responses for motorists’ needs (because it’s only the tone of voice in these videos that is light-hearted).

«This is a engaging project that highlights our experience and the quality of our products, underlining that with Mopar “everything will be fine”- explains Giuseppe Galassi, Head of marketing and communication – EMEA Mopar region. Thanks to these videos the public can discover just how unique we are when they face any situation, even the most unexpected, ensuring maximum confidence for those who put their trust in us every day».

This exclusive series was developed by the creative agency Armando Testa with creative direction from Raffaele Balducci and directed by William Zanardi (aka William9) for the production company Little Bull Studios. The language used is ironic and light, open to new media, especially to social and digital, exaggerating the concept of “drama” in the cinematographic sense, creating engaging cross-brand clips that will be featured on Facebook and Youtube with special planning in EMEA markets.

The first episode (view it at this link) highlights the “Genuine Parts” line, top quality spare parts designed to be installed in the first phase in production plants. The film features a young violinist struggling with an exam at the conservatory. The atmosphere is very tense. Heightened emotions. The student is very concentrated and the examiners observe him to ensure perfect execution. Everything is going well, the enraptured examining panel listens to the performance when, all of a sudden, the spell is broken by the screeching of brakes coming from the window. Down below in the courtyard, the young man’s father has arrived in his car and is waiting for his son.  We suspect that the brakes caused the noise that ruined the boy’s examination. 

If he had relied on Mopar’s original spare parts and FCA’s authorized workshop network, this “dramatic epilogue” wouldn’t have happened.

The second video will be dedicated to “Mopar Vehicle Protection”, the service designed to offer all customers the pleasure of driving, free from worries and unexpected events.

The following month the third clip will talk about the “Essential Parts”, the spare parts intended for cars more than four years old, which guarantee an excellent quality and savings relation.

The series will end with the fourth episode that will turn the spotlight on the exclusivity of “Prime Parts”, the line designed to offer innovative products for customers with high performance expectations.

We’ll discover together the “dramas” that Mopar can solve. 


Agency: Armando Testa

Creative Director: Raffaele Balducci

Art Director: Claudio Nicoli, Davide Cortese

Copywriter: Elisa Infante

Creative Digital Director: Antonello Falcone

Art Digital Director: Giulia Richetta

Digital Copywriter: Gabriella De Stefano

Client Leader:Eraldo Mussa

Account Manager & Campaign Developing:Andrea Cantore

International Client Director: Sascha Van der Plas

Production Company: Little Bull Studios

Director: William Zanardi

Executive Producer: Gianarmando Testa

Producer: Veronica Pegoraro, Anna Corio

Production Director: Raffaele Romano


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