2015. In the International Space Station there is an espresso capsule machine which works in the extreme conditions of space, and it allows the astronauts to drink an espresso out in space for the very first time.

This success story is all Italian. It is the result of collaboration and research by Argotec and Lavazza, two Turin-based companies, examples of excellence in their sectors, and today they are celebrated with a multimedia communication created by Armando Testa.

The latest subject in the Lavazza Paradise campaign which is dedicated to the capsule system A Modo Mio, was inspired by this amazing event.
Enrico Brignano and Tullio Solenghi are in heaven and they come across a mysterious spacecraft. As they explore it, they are astonished to discover that there too you can enjoy Lavazza espresso.
But during their space walk the astronauts have lost their way back to the spacecraft and their beloved espresso, and so they ask Enrico and St. Peter for some help…
Like all the ads in the Paradise campaign, this ad was created by the Armando Testa agency, with creative direction from Mauro Mortaroli, copywriter Leonardo Manzini and it was directed by Alessandro D’Alatri, with music from Nicola Piovani, Production Company Filmmaster Productions.
It will air on all TV networks and also on the web.

In parallel with this, the event will also be publicised using large-scale outdoor posters in Turin and Milan, dominations on display in Garibaldi and Cadorna stations in Milan, in magazines and on the web.
This communication too will reiterate the message of the television ad, but using the power and elegance of a symbolic image created by photographer Thierry Le Gouès for one edition of the famous Lavazza Calendar.
With executive creative direction from Michele Mariani, art director and creative director Andrea Lantelme and copywriter Federico Bonenti worked on this project.