Cyber Monday brings to an end a new record-breaking week for MediaWorld. This year saw an explosion of online sales with more than 60% of clients choosing click and collect in store.  More than 70 orders a minute on and the  MediaWorld app can affirm the company’s status as Italians’ favourite shopping channels. 

 The new Christmas ad created with Armando Testa is on air from 3 December.

Verano Brianza (MB), 3 December 2019– after the extraordinary success of Black Friday, MediaWorld, a leader in the distribution of electronic products with 117 points of sale in Italy and the leading e-commerce site in the category, continues its positioning as a trusted brand for Italians and now launches its new campaign for next Christmas.

The long Black Friday lasted from Thursday to Monday and came to a close with Cyber Monday. The MediaWorld stores were under siege with enormous numbers of clients. The most eminent products this year included electric vacuum cleaners, computers and smartphones. 

The new spot, created by Armando Testa, develops the concept “Fatto Apposta per Me”  (Made Just for Me)in a magical Christmas setting, and it is on air on the main television channels and official Youtube, Facebook and Instagram channels from today 3 December and until 24 December.

The storytelling concentrates on the exciting moment when people exchange gifts, the joy in the faces of those who receive and those who give, sharing time together during the festive period. 

MediaWorld is a protagonist during these moments. The M and W turning into the ideal gift for anyone who loves technology.

But the spot is not just about emotions, MediaWorld also makes a concrete promise to its consumers: “the perfect gift for anyone you love does exist and we’ll help you find it”. This promise is part of an integrated communication strategy that starts off from the claim “Il Natale fatto apposta per me” (“Christmas made especially for me”), it  builds up a consumer journey that is developed on ATL, BTL, digital, social and points of sale, also through an innovative digital activation that starts with a QR code in the press and point-of-sale materials.

The musical background is transformed from the gruff notes of “What a Wonderful World” by Joe Ramone used in the original campaign to a sweet, soft and completely new version for the Christmas campaign.

  “MediaWorld is undoubtedly recognized as the first brand that Italians turn to when they choose a new technological product, even before checking out brands, features and prices. – comments Giuseppe Cunetta, MediaWorld CMDO– Our promise, especially at Christmas, is to put people and their emotions at the very heart, at such a special moment, creating the perfect atmosphere to celebrate a technological Christmas made specially for each of us “.


Agency: Armando Testa Group

Creative Direction: Georgia Ferraro and Nicola Cellemme

Creative Team: Lorenzo Blangiardo, Andrea Dell’Osa

Creative Strategist: Francesco Lucchetta, Luca Buonamici 

Client Service: Emanuele Cicogna Mozzoni, Diego Vallieri, Carlotta Dejana

Tech & Innovation Team: Marco Savojardo, Damiano Gui

Social Media Manager: Fabio Cuscunà

Production Company: Little Bull

Director: Marco Missano

Production company music: Mokamusic

Musical arrangement: Philip Abussi


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