Starting off again is more difficult when everything’s been in lockdown for some time, people are afraid but also more cautious. And now, in these historical times we’re experiencing when even simple everyday gestures have become a veritable enterprise, the message that the Transversal Pact for Science and thePolytechnic of Turin want to convey is precisely this: we are all in the same situation and we must help one another out.
That’s where the project stared, the communication side was entrusted to the inTesta division of the Armando Testa Group, #OgnunoProteggeTutti: from the concept of protection even in the smallest every day gestures, in all contexts.
This is a multi-subject campaign that relates some of the everyday social situations that we’re starting to experience again: public transport, shops, sports facilities. But today these everyday places are “protected” by hands, a symbolic way of being careful, which can make all the difference and which we must all take part in.
That’s how the hashtag of PTS #OgnunoProteggeTutti came to life. TheTesta Group has adopted it as the campaign message and now, like never before, hopefully it will become viral.
The campaign is supported by the project “Imprese Aperte” (Open Companies) from the Polytechnic of Turin, which saw the participation of PTS Chairman Pierluigi Lopalco and the coordinator of the animal testing group, engineer Alice Ravizza. This project provided the tools to ensure safe reopening first of all for businesses and production companies and then for other aspects of social life (sports facilities, schools, doctors’ surgeries etc).
“We are very happy to stand side by side with the Patto Trasversale per la Scienza e del Politecnico di Torino (Transversal Pact for Science and the Polytechnic of Turin) declares Managing Director of the Armando Testa Group, Nicola Belli. “We want to help not just science, but everyone, ourselves included, to start off again, sending out the right messages about collaboration and protection that we need”.
Chairman of PTS, Pier Luigi Lopalco adds: “The values of science must serve to guide our actions, but it is with the combined actions of everyone that we can win the battle against the coronavirus.”
Agency: Armando Testa Group
Creative Director: Paolo Cremonesi
Creative Team: Lara Aldrighi, Roberta Campagna
Client Service: Emanuele Cicogna Mozzoni