An elegant, witty, self-assured woman. A stroll though an amazing city. A ray of sunshine. A bunch of kids enjoying a laugh. A kid playing. A gust of wind.

The new Omsa commercial created by Armando Testa contains all the ingredients of a fresco of a modern Italy.

A different slant on the “Italian way of life” set in Venice but shying away from stereotypes and avoiding the classic references of seduction, where thanks to her femininity and self-confidence a woman is able to captivate with “all eyes on her”.

The absolute protagonist, just as Omsa is the protagonist and sector leader for the Russian and Eastern European market.

The ad is running on TV and the web in cuts of 30”, 15” and 10”.

With executive creative direction from Michele Mariani, creative directors Andrea Lantelme and Federico Bonenti, respectively art and copywriter worked on this project for Armando Testa. Team account Benedetta Buzzoni and Federica Drogo.

Production Company BlowUpFilm, directed by the French director Carole Denis with music from Quiet Please.

Agency: Armando Testa

Creative Direction: Michele Mariani, Federico Bonenti and Andrea Lantelme.

Team account: Benedetta Buzzoni and Federica Drogo

Production Company: BlowUpFilm

Director: Carole Denis

Music: Quiet Please!