Stelvio has arrived. Alfa Romeo’s answer to the same old SUV.

The high performing and thrilling answer to the dullness of the competitors.

Stelvio is a car where balance becomes emotion.

Balance between reason and passion, balance between technique and performance.

The message of Stelvio addressed to the “same dear old SUV” is based on a comparison between traditional SUVs and the innovative features of the Stelvio.

If there’s one word which sums up this difference then it is the word m-o-n-o-t-o-n-y which introduces the final claim “When the SUV ends, the Stelvio begins”

The spot was inspired by the idea of an American Super Bowl, and was created by the Armando Testa agency.

The settings are all Italian locations, culminating in the spectacular curve of the snow-covered Stelvio Pass. The ad has been on air since Sunday 19th February and is planned on the main national networks. Open doors Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th .

Stelvio has arrived. You’ll hear people talking about it. The era of the same old SUV is over.