“You’re a woman, do you think you can understand?!”, “Either have kids or get a job.”, “Are you having a hormone crisis?”, are some of the things that women hear every day.

Clichés that belong to an outdated past but which still re-echo in modern society.

It’s time to take a step forward and not just with words.

This the new mission of Lines, the women’s brand for women, which has been committed to fighting stereotypes and gender discrimination for some time, they are communicating again and taking a stance as a true leader.

But this is communication came about because of concrete actions: from enhancing the position of women within the workplace, to the creation of a culture of inclusion in schools, also including the recent partnership with WeWorld, the NGO that promotes women’s rights and equal economic, social and educational opportunities.

It’s time to take a step forward” is more than just a slogan: it is a long-term project, on-going commitment, a call to take inclusive action for women and men throughout Italy.

The launch campaign, managed by the Armando Testa agency, is reinforced by an exceptional ambassador, who embodies the very values ​​being fought for: Emma Marrone, a brave and sensitive woman, who has always believed in herself, bypassing any judgment from other people.

An artist who knows how to reach people’s hearts in a frank and sincere way.

Emma enthusiastically agreed to become the voice for all women and to launch her own personal “Enough of gender stereotypes”.

In the ad, shot by Francesco Calabrese for Think Cattleya, Emma is in an undefined setting, she is walking along with other women, and then she comes across some mirrors with stereotypical sentences written on them, as cutting as blades, and they stop her from seeing her reflection. This is a symbol of what happens to all women who can’t see themselves and who are not seen for what they are because their image is viewed through the filter of clichés and prejudice.

The film revolves around the position taken by Emma as she says enough of stereotypes to the notes of her song, “Amami”. Then like a modern inclusive leader, she is at the head of a proud female march urging society to take a step forward because the time has come.

The campaign planning is by Media Italia, and it has been on air since Sunday on TV, digital and social. 


·      With We World, for the opening of a “Women’s Space” in Bologna in 2021 and support for those already active. Lines supports WeWorld, an important non-profit organization that operates every day in Italy and in 29 countries around the world to defend the rights of children and women by guaranteeing education, health and protection from violence and abuse. Inside their Women’s Spaces, WeWorld carries out a programme to combat and prevent violence and holds courses on female empowerment, with support and activities for women who have been victims of violence to get back to work and society, as well as psychological support with activities on self-esteem and awareness.

·      In schools, with the Uncomfortable Questions @School project for lower and upper secondary schools. This project was created to break down stereotypes and build a culture of gender equality, starting off with the very young and trying to construct a different future. The interactive materials were created with the support of a team of experts and specialists, and they touch on the themes of education, affectivity and sexuality, physiological knowledge of one’s body, integration between genders and cyberbullying. The common thread will always be the fight against stereotypes which cuts across the 10 different themes / episodes the programme is divided into. Indeed, it is through education that prevention is achieved; it is through knowledge and respect that violence against women is overcome. These multimedia materials will be available, from November 2020, for teachers on the platform and for students on the platform. A letter to children’s parents clarifies the aims of the project as a further element of support to parents and teachers in such an important phase of the psycho-physical development of young people. Two versions of the project have been developed, for junior high and high schools, with differentiated contents to meet the cognitive needs of girls and boys.


Team Marketing Fater – Lines

• General Manager, Marketing and Digital Director: Antonio Fazzari

• Associate Marketing Manager: Ione Volpe

• Marketing Manager: Mariaelena D’Ippolito  

• Assistant Brand Manager: Benedetto Gazzara                                           

  Agency: Armando Testa Group

• Creative directors: Georgia Ferraro and Nicola Cellemme

• Creative team: Monica Barbalonga, Mariarosa Galleano

• Digital creative team: Carlotta Gilardi, Chiara Panattoni

Production Company: Think Cattleya

Director: Francesco Calabrese

Dop: Giuseppe Favale

Post Production: Little Bull Studios

Director digital project: Paolo Stella

Media Centre: Media Italia    

Talent Agency: Next Management


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