MediaWorld’s Black Friday starts off today and will last for the entire month of November, to satisfy the demands of more than 50% of Italians to enjoy discounts for a longer time. Purchasing intentions don’t seem to have slowed down despite the current situation:  81% of those who are already aware of this initiative think they will buy something, and 21% think they will buy more than last year.

Milan, 9 November 2020 – Even in a period of uncertainly like today, Black Friday proves to be a long-awaited fixture: more than 90% of Italians are well aware of the most anticipated appointment of the year for bargains and discounts, 81% intend to buy something, either to save money or to buy necessities (2 out of 3 will choose electronic goods or household appliances) and, with respect to last year, 21% claim they will buy more. 

This is some of the YouGov research data for MediaWorld, leader in Italy in the distribution of electronic goods and part of the international MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group, on the occasion of the launch of the   2020 edition of Black Friday, which starts off today 9 November and will last until 30 November. 

The company’s decision to dedicate more time and more offers for Black Friday is a strategic one. It’s a response to the needs of 53% of Italians who prefer a longer period of discounts so that they have more time to decide what to buy and find the bargains that best meet their needs, whether online or in store in complete safety.

That’s how the BLACK FRIIIIIDAY campaign was created in collaboration with the Armando Testa creative agency. For the first time in years, the message has been entrusted to a testimonial. With their chameleon-like interpretation and their unmistakeable style, Elio e le Storie Tese tell Italians about the offers in store and online on the MediaWorld site for three weeks.

“This is an unmissable appointment for the market and customers all look forward to it, our 2020 Black Friday will last almost a month, to satisfy a general desire to have more time available, to search out the best offers and make purchases” says Luca Bradaschia, CEO of MediaWorld. So, from today for three weeks our customers will have the opportunity to take advantage of promotions on our technology, in store in total safety, on and using our app, choosing home delivery or click and collect in store.”

“We can finally achieve one of the goals we set ourselves at the beginning of our career: collaborating with MediaWorld. How many times have we dreamed about that, even before MediaWorld existed. And how many times walking along the aisles of a MediaWorld store chasing a salesman have we looked forward to this moment. And the longed-for moment has now arrived, the brand (in Italian “il brando”) recognised our chameleon-like talents and above all a gift that no one had noticed before: our skill in stretching out vowels. So, when the problem of lengthening the “i” (in English “ai”) of Black Friday came up, we naturally came to mind, the greatest Italian vowel extenders as recognised by same astonished colleagues who on several occasions have tried to snatch this record from us” comments Elio and the Store Tese.

The ad starts off from the idea of extending Black Friday turning it into Media World’s Black Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiday by taking advantage of Elio e le Storie Tese’s singing talents. The band is famous for its eclectic performances and the enormous vocal range of their front man.

So, the format features Elio, Faso and Cesareo as they go on the Media World’s Black Friiiiiiiiiiiiday stage.   We can recognise them thanks to their unmistakable style and in their performance, they try, often with unexpected consequences, to transform the iconic M of MediaWorld into a symbol for Black Friday. 

That the format that comes to like and will last for the entire period of the promotion.  The band throws itself into a totally original re-interpretation of Black Friiiiiiiiiiiiiday with a sequence of exaggerated gags and notes.

Thanks to the innovative production of Little Bull Studios, it was possible to air on TV an ad that was filmed in smart working. Elio, Faso and Cesareo were actually directed using a video conference by the director and they recorded their parts without leaving home using tools provided by the production company.

The TV and RADIO campaign, with edits of 30” and 15” was planned in collaboration with Dentsu Media Aegis, and will air on television from Sunday 8 until Monday 30 November, throughout the whole day with particular focus on prime time. The 20” cut will be broadcast on the main national radio stations, from Monday 9 to Monday 30 November, with day time programming, and particular focus on morning and evening slots. 

The histrionic spirit of Elio e Le Storie Tese has also landed on SOCIAL MEDIA and DIGITAL channels. A series of original contents for the web has been packaged by, an agency in the SERVICEPLAN group which manages MediaWorld’s social media. Planning on digital touchpoints is by Mediaplus (also part of the SERVICEPLAN group) and it extends to vertical sites on the tech world and national dailies with rich media format, obviously also including the main social networks and YouTube.

The trio’s performance was developed for digital with a style in line with the ATL campaign, but at the same time, something particular for these channels with the goal of entertaining the online community and making the Black Friday promotions really irresistible for an even wider audience. 


Agency: Gruppo Armando Testa

Creative direction: Georgia Ferraro, Nicola Cellemme

Creative team: Andrea Dell’Osa, Lorenzo Blangiardo

Production Company: Little Bull Studios

Director: Augusto Storero

Post Production: Band


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