Media Italia wins the Casavo pitch.


Casavo is a digital platform for the housing market. It is redrawing the experience for house buyers and sellers in Europe. They have now decided to entrust the management of their offline media budget to Media Italia, after they won the pitch held in December 2021.

Casavo was founded in Italy in 2017 and is now operating in Spain and Portugal.  They have developed their own business model thanks to the support of an international team of more than 300 professionals. 

Casavo’s capital today amounts to more than 450 million euro, from equity and debts, ensuring the trust of some of the biggest investors at a global level. 

Casavo is redrawing the real estate model, shifting from a process of buying/selling which can take around 7 months in Italy to the possibility of moving into fully restructured house in less than half that time, simplifying the life for buyers and sellers. 

The decision to start off from the main Italian cities Milan, Rome, Turin, Florence and Bologna, has generated a media strategy based on Addressable TV and OOH only in the cities mentioned, with investment of more than 1 million euro in the first part of this year. 

The media strategy focuses on the cities where Casavo is already operating, i.e. Milan, Roma, Turin, Florence and Bologna and it is developed on formats of Addressable TV and OOH, with investment of more than one million euro in the first part of this year.  


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